Top 10 Ngo’s In Shivamogga


It is by the sheer grit and determination of a few people who stand together to save this society from disaster and destruction. Non-governmental organisations or Ngo’s are independent from the government focusing on benefitting and uplifting the society from its current state. These bodies mostly work on donations and their range can widely vary from women empowerment, child safety, emergency relief, education, healthcare, environment and the list goes on. They are spread across India and Impaac respects and appreciates their commitment to work towards the wellbeing of the society without the thought of personal or material gain. These concurrent blogs would be encompassing a series or list of Ngo’s that work independently in various cities this blog being about Shivamogga, Karnataka.


Chaitanya Rural Development Society

Chaitanya Rural Development Society (CRDS) is an NGO in Shivamogga, Karnataka that has been serving the rural population of the district since long. It focuses on providing access to better livelihood opportunities, health and education, and sustainable development in the rural areas of Bidar. They have been implementing various social programs and initiatives to empower the rural population, such as providing vocational training, setting up self-help groups, and providing financial literacy. CRDS also works towards the conservation of natural resources, strengthening the rights of marginalized communities, and developing effective strategies for poverty alleviation. Their initiatives are guided by a vision of ensuring social justice, equitable development, and respect for human rights in the rural areas.


Sri Sharadadevi Andhara Vikasa

Sri Sharadadevi Andhara Vikasa Kendra in Shivamogga, Karnataka is an initiative of the Karnataka Government to provide basic amenities and services to the specially-abled and differently-abled persons in the Shivamogga region. The centre is equipped with all the necessary facilities to cater to the needs of the special population. It has the facility of wheelchairs, crutches and other special equipment to help the differently-abled to move around freely and independently. It also provides vocational training and counseling services for the differently-abled and their families to help them cope up with the challenges of living with a disability. The centre also organizes regular medical camps and awareness programs to spread awareness about the rights of the special population.


Shubham Educational & Rural Development Society

Shubham Educational & Rural Development Society in Shivamogga, Karnataka is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing equal access to quality education and socio-economic development opportunities for the underserved population in rural Karnataka. It works with local communities to design and implement sustainable solutions that enable the people of Shivamogga to shape their own future. The organization has built an extensive network of schools, libraries, and other educational and health-related infrastructure in the region to ensure that all children have access to quality education and health care. Additionally, they have created a number of capacity building initiatives to empower the local community to become self-reliant. Through the combination of innovative programs, advocacy efforts, and community participation, Shubham Educational & Rural Development Society is helping to transform the lives of those living in rural Karnataka.


SARA Centre

Sustainable Alternative For Rural Accord (SARA Centre) in Shivamogga, Karnataka is a socio-ecological centre dedicated to the conservation of the environment and the promotion of sustainable livelihoods for rural communities. The centre works towards providing solutions for energy security and offers renewable energy solutions such as solar power, biomass gasifier and biogas plants. SARA Centre also provides training and education to rural communities on the best practices of sustainable agriculture and natural resource management. The centre also works with local communities to provide access to sustainable sources of water, food and energy through rain water harvesting, soil conservation and agroforestry. In addition, the centre helps to develop rural enterprises, improve access to credit, and promote green businesses. SARA Centre’s goal is to promote sustainable development by empowering rural communities to make informed decisions about their environment, livelihoods and future.


Vahini Development Society

Vahini Development Society (VDS) is an NGO in Shivamogga, Karnataka, that works to promote the development and welfare of communities. It provides a range of services, including health and education, vocational training, and livelihoods. VDS’s mission is to empower underprivileged communities and to promote their socioeconomic and cultural development. The organization works to build capacity in the local community, enabling them to access resources and develop their own solutions for their needs. VDS works with local, state, and national government agencies to ensure that the needs of the people are met. It also works in partnership with other NGOs and civil society organizations, as well as with the private sector, to ensure that the benefits of development reach the people. VDS has been successful in reaching out to and helping many communities, and is an important part of the development process in Shivamogga.



Mathruchaya Sarvadharma Anathashrama Gopala

Mathruchaya Sarvadharma Anathashrama Gopala in Shivamogga, Karnataka is a charitable organization providing shelter and education to orphaned and destitute children. It is a rural shelter home that provides food, clothing, health care, education and vocational training to both boys and girls. The organization works with the local government to provide these children with the best possible life. It is an example of the power of collective action in providing for the most vulnerable members of society. The organization is also involved in various community development initiatives, such as providing vocational training and employment opportunities. Their efforts have been recognized by the Government of Karnataka, which has awarded them several awards.


Hasivu Organisation

Hasivu Organisation is a non-governmental organization based in Shivamogga, Karnataka. It is a non-profit organization that works towards the betterment of the local community through various initiatives and activities. It works to empower the people of Shivamogga by providing access to quality education, skill development, healthcare, and other basic necessities. Hasivu also provides legal aid to those in need, and works in partnership with other organizations to ensure the overall wellbeing of its citizens. The organization also works to protect the environment and promote environmental sustainability. Hasivu Organization is dedicated to providing the people of Shivamogga with a better quality of life.


Jana Vikas Foundation

Jana Vikas Foundation is a non-profit organization based in Shivamogga, Karnataka, India. The organization is dedicated to providing a better quality of life for the people in the Shivamogga region. It works in different areas of development, from health and education to community and economic development. The organization has projects that work with women, children and the elderly, focusing on their rights and well-being. It also works to empower local communities through capacity building and skills development initiatives. The organization’s ultimate goal is to bring about sustainable development in Shivamogga, which can be achieved through the right combination of knowledge and resources.


Vikasana Ngo

Vikasana NGO in Shivamogga, Karnataka is an NGO that works to improve the quality of life of people in the region. The NGO focuses on providing education and support to the underprivileged children and youth in the area. They provide free education and vocational training to help them gain skills that will help them to become self-reliant. They also provide health and nutrition support and guidance to the families of these children. The organization also works to spread awareness of health and environmental issues in the area. They have planted over 1 million trees in the region to reduce air and water pollution, which has helped to improve the quality of life in the area. They have also organized several campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of cleanliness and hygiene.


Aasare Charitable Trust

Aasare Charitable Trust Organisation is a non-profit organisation based in Shivamogga, Karnataka. The organisation works to provide education and medical assistance to the underprivileged children and needy families in the region. It also works to provide vocational training to the rural youth, helping them gain employment and livelihood opportunities. Aasare Charitable Trust Organisation works in collaboration with many other organisations and government bodies to ensure that the people in the region have access to the best available resources. The organisation also organises workshops and seminars to spread awareness on various topics such as health and education.


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