Help Curly Tails Feed, Adopt & Rescue the Voiceless animals

protect and help stray animals

Every year, millions of animals end up in shelters all across the globe. These animals are either rescued from the streets or dropped off at the shelter. Though a lot of these shelters provide outstanding care and attention, there are still limitations to what they can do. As an individual, you can contribute to these efforts in a lot of different ways. Running a shelter involves a ton of work and they will need all the help they can get. Offering even a small donation or volunteering a short amount of your time can make a huge difference. 

An NGO of animal lovers at heart, Curly Tails from Sangli has dedicated their lives to take care of injured, sick and abandoned dogs. But due to lack of support, they are unable to continue the work. With your help, they would be able to help many more animals. ‘100+ Dogs now dead due to poisoning’, news headlines as such have become quite common nowadays, as many of us might have come across this, the sensitive people might feel bad while some would remain unbothered. But how many of us would take the initiative to try to put a stop to this.


Well, Curly Tails took a brave step ahead by reporting the matter to authorities as they try to nurse the strays saved back to health.

Help now, Support now, Donate now

What are Curly Tails doing?

Jack Foundation’s Curly Tails have been constantly on the run to save strays and give them a happy life. These people from Sangli focus on feeding, sterilization, rescue and adoption of stray animals. They regularly hold adoption calls by convincing people that they aren’t as dangerous or harmful in any way, every week they feed nutritious food like milk, eggs, chicken legs, dog food, etc. to the animals and also help them with proper vaccine dosages. When speaking with Curly Tails, they shared some of their plans about us that included increasing the frequency of their food drives, giving anti-rabies vaccines to the strays, and setting up shelters for them. Curly tails also aspire to provide collar belts for the strays and start animal ambulances for the treatment of the injured.


help the voiceless

What can YOU do?

Donations in this case would help them to contribute & save the lives of these poor, voiceless and helpless animals. Let’s all come together and contribute our bit in saving & encouraging more such selfless souls to do the same. Impaac believes in helping them achieve this dream. Let’s together empower the stray animals and show the Power Of Positive Impact.