Miyawaki Plantation Method


What Is The Miyawaki Method ?

Miyawaki is a technique developed by Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki, it essentially refers to growing tightly knit forests in a very short duration of time by planting the saplings close to each other that ensures fast plant growth and even makes them self-sustainable in a few years. This method is applied as normal forest growth takes anywhere between 200 – 300 years while the Miyawaki forests grow just within a short span of 20 – 30 years. Akira Miyawaki conducted diligent research and came up with a method that helped with the problem of diminishing plant and forest growth. This method was instrumental in increasing the forest cover in Japan as it slowly expands its roots to India and other countries.


How Does It Work ?

The site of a future forest is firstly analysed and determined if a forest can be cultivated upon it, different plant species are then planted in a random order as you would generally find in a forest and then taken care of till 2 – 3 years by monitoring, watering and weeding them, until they become self – sustainable and capable enough to thrive on their own without the interference of anything or anyone. The seeds are planted in close accordance with one another so that they leave little to no space between themselves helping them to grow better and faster. These plants compete for space, water, nutrients, sunlight etc, this makes their growth about 10 times faster and they tend to become more adaptable in the natural scenario. This method has already been implemented in Japan, southeast Asia, India, Brazil etc. leading to a spectaculous growth of more than 4000+ Miyawaki forests.


How Will It Help Us ?

This method has been acting as a boon for the likes and interests of mother earth, the forest cover is slowly increasing and flourishing all within a very small duration leading to a clean and green earth for our future generation. While there are many advantages of the Miyawaki plantation style a few of them have been listed below:
• It utilises less space thus not interrupting any other development happening in its surroundings.
• It creates carbon sinks implying that the carbon present in nature is absorbed by these plants making it a less polluted environment.
• The plant growth is much faster than any normal plantation method leading to results in just a few years, something that would have taken approximate 200 – 300 years.
• Such dense forests attract more biodiversity onto the land
• It is also self – sustainable


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