Story of Summer – The Doggy

Peepal Farm


Summer was born on streets. Some time ago, she was in a serious accident. She was severely injured. Her leg had many injuries and the bone was broken. She survived the accident but was in a very serious condition. 

Peepal Farm
Summer With Volunteer Of Peepal Farm

Ray of Hope

Summer was brought to Peepal Farm, Dharmashala by their volunteers. The treatment was immediately started. She was so scared in the beginning days that she couldn’t come outside to meet others. She lost one leg but slowly she got recovered and got used to the friendly environment of Peepal Farm. She lived in a cozy kennel and made many friends after a few days. She used to jump around and play in nearby area so people used to call her “Rabbit”. That’s how she started living a happy life.

He who feeds hungry animals, feeds his own soul.
- Charlie Chaplin


After getting cured and spending amazing time at Peepal Farm, a lovely family decided to adopt Summer. Satyam Singh from Ghaziabad adopted the jumping rabbit of Peepal Farm. She found the family that truly loves her and cares about her. She is happy, healthy and as always jumping!

Peepal Farm
Summer Got Adopted - Peepal Farm